Toe Specimen of unknown species, possibly North American “Bigfoot”

   Known as the “Toe of Destiny”

             ~Item Reserved~

Dragon Talon, Small, Framed.
 Wizard’s school wand.
Sewer Goblin Skull Specimen

Framed Unicorn Horn

Framed Unicorn Horn

Framed Unicorn Horn
    Unicorn Horn

Bridge Troll Skull Specimen With

Cranial Horns

Troll Skull Specimen

Rear View of Bridge Troll Skull

Troll Skull Specimen

Experience Our Unique Creations

David creates sculptures with Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Steampunk, Occult and Horror themes and is also well known for his distinctive line of Renaissance costumes and accessories.

Keri creates art with animal and spiritual themes and is often inspired by Native American and shamanic styles. She enjoys working with natural materials and gemstones.

Professor Tweedly is an eccentric character that scavenges for Relics Specimens and Artifacts from the mysterious

(and possibly nonexistent)

Royal Imperial Museum.

More About Us



     “I was thrilled by my purchase at first, but now I sometimes wake up naked in the forest, surrounded by sleeping wolves.

I think I should have read the ancient scroll more thoroughly.”


-Overall, would shop here again.-


“I love unicorns so much! I hope the Framed Unicorn Horn you sold me was harvested sustainably!”

“I can just feel the rainbow energy emanating from the Unicorn horn every time I touch it!”

        -A Satisfied Shopper!!!-


     “I did not follow the instructions included with my purchase and accidentally resurrected an ancient vampire lord.”

    “I am now bound to him, an eternal servant of the night”

     – Requesting a store credit-